Your warmth and humour as an MC and your high level of professionalism as an Auctioneer were fundamental to the overall success of the night
Lisa Cavallaro
The Cancer Council Victoria“My association with Phil goes back many years and he has been a significant influence in my auctioneering career. This is just one of the reason’s why Phil is the coach of all our auctioneers at McGrath!”
Scott Kennedy – Green
Partner & Chief Auctioneer, McGrath Estate Agents, Dual NSW & 2006 Australasian Auctioneer ChampionGreat success for RMDH at annual golf day
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
The annual Ronald McDonald House Golf Day was held yesterday at the National Golf Course at Cape Schanck. The day was not kind and saw and wet and cold golfers battle the elements to support a terrific cause.
The day was a sell out and finished with a dinner, entertainment from Lehmo and an auction and pledge. Just the auction and pledge segments alone, raised enough funds to support many families for over 450 nights. The houses are situated at Parkville, Monash and Hobart. The day is run by the organising committee, chaired by Tony Pearse and hosted by Brodie Young.