Phil, you must take a great deal of the credit for all the compliments we have received. The auction made more than reserve on every item and I have heard nothing but praise for you ‘expertise’. Everyone at the function has said that the Gala was the ‘best yet’ and are already looking forward to next year.
Alison Robertson
Former Chief Executive Officer, Life Education Australia
Your warmth and humour as an MC and your high level of professionalism as an Auctioneer were fundamental to the overall success of the night
Lisa Cavallaro
The Cancer Council Victoria

July 2012
Richo wins BP Intermediate
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Michael Richardson from Barry Plant Blackburn wins the Barry Plant Intermediate Auctioneers Award along with Shawqi Ein from Barry Plant Altona. The award was announced at the annual Barry PlantAwards …
UDIA supports Ardoch!
Saturday, 28 July 2012
THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA (UDIA), Australia’s peak representative body for all segments of the urban development industry, held their annual ball at Crown Palladium last night. Again, their …
Byron wins Buxton Novice Award
Friday, 27 July 2012
Byron Kerr, from Buxton Mentone, has won the 2012 Buxton Novice Auctioneer of the Year.The competition was held on July 17 at Pier 3 in Port Melbourne where 6 finalists …
Byron brings home the bacon!
Friday, 27 July 2012
Byron Kerr from Buxton Mentone last night won the inaugural Buxton Novice Auctioneer’s Competition with Simon Pintado of Buxton Bentleigh awarded the runner up. The final narrowed down to 6 …
5 Star Engagement Award to Adam Freier
Friday, 20 July 2012
Congratulations to Adam Freier who was awarded the RaboDirect Melbourne Rebels 5 Star Engagement Award for his terrific work in the community.Adam was presented with the award at the Weary …
Jeremy Tyrrell wins Vic Comp
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Congratulations to Jeremy Tyrrell of Fletchers ( pictured above ) who today won the Victorian Auctioneer’s Championship. Harry Li of McDonalds Real Estate was the runner up. Both Jeremy and …