A big thank you to Phil for putting on a well run competition (Fletchers inaugural Auctioneer Comp) last night. Not an easy feat scripting bidding and making sure all run smoothly!
Jeremy Tyrrell
2012 Victorian Auctioneer Champion
Tip 1: Acquire a coach. I couldn’t do without one!
I needed all the help and support I could get when I started so I secured the services of Phil de Fégely. He’s an expert and has coached a couple of past winners. He really is first class at what he does.
Matthew Young
2011 Victorian Auctioneer Competition Champion, Principal Buxton St Kilda

Strategy of Auction
Auction is not an event, it is a strategy!
It doesn’t matter whether the auction is for property, cars or events there needs to be a plan for every stage.
The plan comes under 3 headings:
Pre Auction, Auction Day and Post Auction.
Many organisations have perfected the strategy for their selling market…
Caporn Young Estate Agents, Claremont and Fremantle in Western Australia
Principal and founder of Caporn Young, Richard Young tells of ” The CY Way…..”
Paul Tzamalis director and founder of The Auction Company understands this concept implicitly.
Find out what the team at de Fégely can do for you.