I have had many phone calls and letters following the event from our guests stating they have never been to such an event where they were part of a worldwide auction bid. Everyone felt involved both on the floor and overseas.
Robyn Hollands
Fmr Director of D'ment, MSO now Director RICH CommunicationsYour skills as our auctioneer are unmatched and the financial success of the auction was largely due to your efforts.
Barry Fagg
Fagg's Mitre 10 Home and Trade, Give Where You Live, GeelongMcGrath Auctioneer of the Year
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Stuart Ritchie was awarded Auctioneer of the Year for McGrath Real Estate Agents for the second year in a row.Congratulations to Stu who has worked hard on this craft and should look towards the state competition in 2016.