We were delighted with the result of the auction! Your expertise in encouraging a more dollars for each item ensured that maximum price was paid for many of the items on sale.
Malcolm Gough
Former Chairperson, Mazda FoundationThe function was extremely successful in raising more than $110,000 and it couldn’t have been done without your willing support. Many people commented on how well you entertained the guests while extracting the best bids for the items auctioned; infact the total was far more than the organisers had hoped for.
Mark Toner
James Woodcock Foundation, Melbourne Grammar SchoolFinche tops the calcutta!
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
The Chris Waller trained, Finche was the top priced horse at last night’s traditional Melbourne Cup Calcutta. The rain that fell during the evening upped the chances for many horses that have proven themselves on soft ground. If Finche does hit the line first, it will be back to back wins for Kerrin McEvoy. The true origin of the calcutta is vague but it is said to date back to India in the time of British rule. It works by punters forming syndicates before all the horses are drawn. Then all the horses are then put up for auction. The syndicates can choose to buy or sell their drawn horse. Traditionally the auction occurs after dinner which is fun for the attendees, hard work for the auctioneer!