…Phil de Fegely, we think is the best auction trainer in this state, who also trains our advocates…
Mal James
Mal James, Principal of James Buyers Advocates” Without your support we would not have been able to stage this event on August 4 and raise the money we did, in excess of $450,000!
Dr Susan Alberti, AO, MAICD
Susan Alberti Medical Research Foundation Chairmane.motion21 Bollywood Gala Dinner @ The Hawthorn Arts Centre
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Raising money to support e.motion21 Moving Bodies to India project participants to send them to 12th World Down Syndrome Congress 2015 in India.Co-MC\‘ing with me was Tim Campbell and Pallavi Sharda.Together with an Auction and Pledges we were able to raise in excess of $200,000.