On behalf of the Royal Melbourne Hospital Neuroscience Foundation I do want to thankyou for your considerable efforts at the dinner last, Friday night. As you certainly would realise the auction was an extraordinary success and this was largely due to your efforts
Professor Andrew Kaye
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Your skills as our auctioneer are unmatched and the financial success of the auction was largely due to your efforts.
Barry Fagg
Fagg's Mitre 10 Home and Trade, Give Where You Live, Geelong

Auction of Real Estate turns 180 years old
Thursday, 1 June 2017
180 years ago, the first land in Victoria was sold by public auction on June 1, 1837. Originally known as Port Phillip, 100 lots of land were sold in what is now known as the Melbourne CBD. The gross sale was £3,800 and the average sale price of a block was £35. Only one lot reneged (or cooled off) and the commission for the Auctioneer, Robert Hoddle, was £57 or 1.50% to read more on Hoddle go to: http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/hoddlerobert-2190