Steve Abbott wins Auctioneer award at JC

Friday, 10 August 2012

Last night at the Jellis Craig annual awards night saw a change of format.Preceding the event saw the final of their Auctioneer Competition. 6 finalists in two classes competed for the trophy in a shortened format. Each competitor only had 7 minutes to perform.The Shining Stars was for auctioneers who have done 20 auctions or less and the All Stars for more than 20 auctions. The finalist for the Shining Stars were Gordon Hope, Lee Muddle and Hugh Trieu where we saw a tie, Gordon and Hugh couldn’t be separated and they shared the title.The All Star finalists were Peter Batrouney, Michael Hingston and Steven Abbott. A dashing display by all and Steve Abbott was declared the winner.

It was a fitting end to a program that had over thirty participants and fantastic entertainment to commence the awards night.



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