I have had many phone calls and letters following the event from our guests stating they have never been to such an event where they were part of a worldwide auction bid. Everyone felt involved both on the floor and overseas.
Robyn Hollands
Fmr Director of D'ment, MSO now Director RICH CommunicationsTip 1: Acquire a coach. I couldn’t do without one!
I needed all the help and support I could get when I started so I secured the services of Phil de Fégely. He’s an expert and has coached a couple of past winners. He really is first class at what he does.
Matthew Young
2011 Victorian Auctioneer Competition Champion, Principal Buxton St KildaREIV Master Auctioneer Award
Monday, 25 July 2016
I am very humble to receive the REIV Master Auctioneer award, even more humbling is to receive it with 3 other auctioneers who are recognised posthumously John Nicholls, Marshall White and Allan Lord, who were all highly regarded contributors to the industry. Marshall White was a great mentor to me.