I am writing to express my appreciation of your outstanding contribution to the CARE Australia Dinner on Thursday, May 2. Your efforts during the auction ensured the evening was a great success for CARE Australia.
Sir William Dean
Chairman, CARE Australia
Your warmth and humour as an MC and your high level of professionalism as an Auctioneer were fundamental to the overall success of the night
Lisa Cavallaro
The Cancer Council Victoria

24th E&S Trading Golf Classic for Give Where You Live
Monday, 9 November 2015
The annual golf day at the Sands Golf Club, Torquay hosted by Could have been champion Ian Cover, specials guests Billy Brownless and Tom Hawkins from the Geelong Cats, 3AW Darren James, Wilbur Wilde and Andrew Startin, thrilling the audience with impersonations including Bruce McAvaney.The day raised over $100,000 for Geelong\‘s most vulnerable people.