Darryl to retire as Cats #1 Ticket Holder

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Darryl Somers will retire as number One male ticket holder of the Geelong Cats at the end of the season. He will be replaced by not one but two people, two current Mayors. Lord Mayor of Melbourne Robert Doyle and Geelong Mayor Keith Fagg who were anointed the successors at last Friday nights #1 tickets holders dinner at the Regent’s Plaza Ball Room.

Darryl delivered one of his legendary poems which ryhmed most of the time.He told me is not bowing out all together as he will be the patron of the 1963 premiership team. I also spoke to both Robert and Keith and they are really looking forward to their new roles.

A wonderful night in the elegant venue with the occasional rumbling from King Kong coming from above in the Regent Theatre. The night was hosted by number One female ticket holder, Channel 7’s, Rebecca Maddern.



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